Friday, August 24, 2012

Here is a great site I just came across. It says that bloggers and Web site owners can get a free customized item worth under $40.


I don't have a clue what I am doing.  I want to blog and I was told that this is one of the best blogging sites there are, so here I am. 
A short introduction:
My name is Amanda.  I am engaged and I have four wonderful children that I homeschool. Oh, did I mention that I also work full time?  I am a dispatcher for the local Sheriff's Office.  I work twelve hour rotations at night and do my level best to be up for at least the first four hours of school in the mornings when I get home.  My children are pretty self-sufficient.  There are three boys and a bouncing three year old baby girl who acts like she is thirteen years old.  They are 12, 11, 8 and of course 3.  The older two can cook and clean and do just about everything that needs to be done on the occasions that I do actually get to sleep.  That doesn't happen very often.  I am sooo tired.  All the time.  Hence the beginning of this blog.  I seriously need something to keep me awake at work and this seemed like it would be a great way to do that.  

I shall start this off with a wonderful link for free worksheets that I have found.  It is one of those "full access with membership" sites, which I am not fond of, but it has an extensive array of free worksheets and other such awesome things as well. 
Try it.  You might just find something you can use.  :)