Saturday, August 24, 2013

Good morning all, We have started a new year. It, of course, is not going so well. :) I can only hope that it will get better. My 13 year old, Inventor, threw fits on the very first day. Cissie keeps begging to do more and cries when we have to pass the computer off to the others. Pester, the second oldest, is the only one that has been open to sitting down with the computer. It is going to be a long year. Bubbles, the third boy, has been okay, but I have to stay on him to get finished. We will press on. We will excel. We will triumph! Hope everyone else has had a smoother start than us.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Infants' Advil® & Children's Advil®

Infants' Advil® & Children's Advil®: Thx #ChildrensAdvil for my free sample. Like on FB for a buy 1 get 1 free coupon #Fever *Please remember the FTC requires you to mention that you received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 when sharing.