Monday, September 17, 2012


I have no clue what I am doing wrong with the links. I guess you will still have to copy/paste since it will not let me link the site here. This one has a list of state standards for all grades. This has some great interactive lessons. I love, love


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I deleted the previous comment because I am focusing on free resources on this page. If I have not tried something myself, I will not recommend it. Since I am not financially able to buy any of the products listed in the link that the commenter posted, I cannot recommend them. Also, there was no way to convert the currency on that page to dollars. This can be confusing to people who do not know the conversion rates and I in no way want to confuse anyone if at all possible. Thank you Mr. Roy for your input and I apologize for not being able to recommend your company to my viewers.
