Monday, November 19, 2012

Today is the day

Today is the day. Actually, tomorrow is. No, wait. Monday is the day. We have sort of been hanging in limbo as far as schooling is concerned. We have been taking things easy and working on detoxifying from the public school system. Now, finally, we are going to officially start school. Don't ask me why I decided Monday. I really have no clue. It just seemed like a good idea at the time. It is between the two major holidays that we are so fond of, so I think that they will be more willing to sit and do something since they know that they have to be good for Christmas. (There is no santa claus in the picture here, more on that later) I have not been able to settle on a curriculum that we could sink our teeth into. Everything is just so expensive. I was planning on waiting until February to buy the curriculum with my tax return. However, I have found an amazing online *free* curriculum. We have all looked through it and it really fits where we are right now. It is at I still cannot get that stupid link button to work. UGH!!! Easy Peasy (all in one homeschool) is an awesome blog by a woman who homeschools her own children. She has developed a curriculum using all free online resources. She has it set day by day. It is student led and requires as little or as much attention as you want to put into it. You can let your student work completely on their own with almost no interaction (every once in a while the curriculum tells them to go to mom or dad for a pat on the back), or use all of the resources that she has linked to as a supplement to whatever it is you are already doing. I, myself, do not have time to develop lesson plans and schedules since I work, so this is a God send. I am so thankful that I have found Easy Peasy.
Easy Peasy
maybe this button will work. :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Oh my. I am ever so excited!! The button actually worked!!! :) :) :) :)
