Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Internet Blahs

I had decided to switch internet providers. The new provider sent a technician out today to install our new hardware. Guess what? They could not do it because we sit too far away from the hub. The house is approximately 303 feet from the road and power pole where the hub is. They will not install if it is more than 300 feet. I understand why, but that makes it no less frustrating. So we have been without internet for almost a week. The curriculum we were supposed to start using Monday is exclusively online. So.... today is NOT the day. Neither is tomorrow. Not even Monday. On a brighter note. Check out the awesome giveaways that some of the other wonderful bloggers are hosting. http://ourabundantblessings.com/2012/11/19/what-would-you-do-with-250-cash/ http://ourabundantblessings.com/2012/11/20/31-days-of-thanksgiving-and-a-giveaway/

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! My button attempts have worked and I have finally managed to get the links to work as well. I know that I do not have...uummm...any followers of my blog yet, but give me time. Hopefully that will change soon. :) Love you all.
